Bringing a world of innovation to foodservice
Changing the industry with product-specific solutions that connect with patrons
We are foodservice ingredient experts creating customized ingredient solutions for progressive chains, operators and their manufacturing partners.
With core capabilities including sugar reduction, clean menus, plant protein and texture, we specialize in creating product solutions that deliver on health and nutritional appeal, cost savings and product stability — as well as the rich sensory experiences patrons expect.
Whether you’re looking to maintain brand leadership, challenge the market leader or meet the ever-changing regulations and demand for nutritional menu items, we create the innovative ingredient solutions that give you a competitive advantage.

Cost-reduction specialists
Ingredion understands how important reducing costs is to your operation.
It’s as much about maintaining or improving your patrons’ eating experiences — preserving taste, texture and other sensory and functional characteristics — as it is about using less expensive ingredients.

Sugar reduction experts
Quickly and efficiently reduce or replace the sugar in your food and beverage menu items with our product-specific solutions that perfectly balance taste, texture and performance — for rich sensory customer experiences.

Plant protein formulation expertise
Only Ingredion has both the vision and the proven formulation expertise to help you create plant-based protein menu items that drive growth today and tomorrow. We’ll partner with you to develop products that deliver on consumer expectations for taste, texture, convenience and nutrition.

Clean label pioneers
With decades of experience in the clean label space and an extensive portfolio of clean and simple ingredients — including the largest selection of clean texturizers — we bring the ideal taste, texture and performance attributes to your clean and simplified dishes.
Let’s make your goals a reality
We use science-based problem solving to help you overcome a wide range of challenges — including creating memorable sensory experiences, improving cook yield, addressing freeze/thaw resistance, helping consumers make healthy choices, and, of course, optimizing your costs and passing savings on to your patrons.
The information described above is offered solely for your consideration, investigation and independent verification. It is up to you to decide whether and how to use this information. Ingredion Incorporated and the Ingredion group of companies make no warranty about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained above or the suitability of any of their products for your specific intended use. Furthermore, all express or implied warranties of noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are hereby disclaimed. Ingredion Incorporated and the Ingredion group of companies assume no responsibility for any liability or damages arising out of or relating to the foregoing.