Elevate your menu. Lower your costs.
Serving up affordable, delicious foodservice solutions
Changing the industry with product-specific solutions that connect with patrons
Ingredion has the foodservice expertise, technology and innovative solutions to make your menu options more affordable, without compromising important sensory properties — the creamy, zesty, crispy aspects of various recipes that make your food choices so appealing to patrons.
Challenged with reducing cream, reducing tomato solids or increasing hold times to keep fries crispy longer? Check out the case studies below to see how we help chains meet their budgets while maintaining the flavor and texture experiences patrons demand and deserve
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The information described above is offered solely for your consideration, investigation and independent verification. It is up to you to decide whether and how to use this information. Ingredion Incorporated and the Ingredion group of companies make no warranty about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained above or the suitability of any of their products for your specific intended use. Furthermore, all express or implied warranties of noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are hereby disclaimed. Ingredion Incorporated and the Ingredion group of companies assume no responsibility for any liability or damages arising out of or relating to the foregoing.