Fiber-enriched crackers


Consumer demand for fiber continues steady rise

Fiber is crucial to our health and well-being, and regular consumption can lead to many desirable health benefits. These health benefits are well-established and it is difficult to find any information about better nutrition that does not praise the importance of consuming more fiber. Today’s consumers are demanding more fiber in everything, from breakfast cereals and snacks to side dishes and beverages.

Top categories include bakery and cereals, as both incorporate fiber from grains as well as ingredient sources, but surprisingly, growth is strongest in subcategories not typically associated with fiber, such as carbonates, deli substitutes, chocolate and instant noodles.

The takeaway for food and beverage manufacturers is that there is no shortage of opportunities to grow their businesses by creating products with increased fiber that taste great and contribute to the benefits consumers demand.

Webinar: Innovative Ingredients: Empowering Metabolic Health

Food and beverage companies must stay ahead of shifting consumer priorities with formulations that support healthy weight management, optimal blood glucose levels and much more. Join us at 10 a.m. ET on October 22 for our free webinar and hear Ingredion experts discuss:

• The latest health and wellness trends
• Evolving consumer behaviors and industry growth strategies
• Practical examples of product reformulation to meet consumer lifestyle goals

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Regular fiber consumption can contribute to a wide variety of health benefits consumers seek

Dependent on the type and amount consumed on a regular basis, dietary fiber not only aids digestion but can also offer a variety of other benefits*, including:  ​

  • Improved Bowel function (laxation)​
  • Lower LDL/cholesterol which can reduce the risk of heart disease​
  • Health claim reducing risk of coronary disease ​
  • Lower blood glucose/insulin​
  • Bone health/calcium absorption for increased mineral absorption in the intestinal tract​
  • Lower calorie intake due to increased satiety ​
    *FDA recognized

Types of fiber

Soluble fiber

This type of fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like material. It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble fiber is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium.​

Insoluble fiber

This type of fiber can support regularity as it promotes the movement of material through your digestive system and increases stool bulk. Whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, beans and vegetables, such as cauliflower, green beans and potatoes, are good sources of insoluble fiber. ​

Enrich your products with Ingredion’s proven fiber solutions

Create fiber-rich products that consumers will crave. We have what you need to bring your vision to life through a broad plant-based portfolio of in-demand ingredients and solutions for improved nutrition, health and wellness applications. Our formulation, sensory and nutrition science experts have the experience to help you design and get your fiber-enhanced products to market faster. Let our dedicated team be your guide for claims substantiation, label requirements and identifying a fiber solution that’s right for your product.

Related resources

Digestive health

Create appeal and promote consumer well-being with solutions designed to maintain and improve digestive and gut health.

Learn more

Prebiotics for infant nutrition

Support infant digestive health with high-quality ingredients.

Learn more

Formulating for nutrition

Give consumers more of what they want and less of what they don’t. Our solutions for nutrition can replace less-desirable ingredients with more nutritious alternatives — adding fiber, enhancing protein or reducing sugar in your application.

Learn more

Webinar: Fiber in Focus​

Drive brand loyalty and growth by (re)formulating fiber-enriched products that help consumers improve their digestive health.​

View webinar

Webinar: Fiber's role in snacking​

Explore consumer snacking trends and get nutrition, health and wellness formulation insights from Ingredion experts. ​

View webinar

Texturizer solutions​

Optimize formulations and consumer eating enjoyment with the right texturizer for your unique needs. ​

Learn more

Frequently asked questions:

What is dietary fiber made of? 

Dietary fiber is made up of carbohydrate polymers with three or more monomeric units (MUs), which are neither digested nor absorbed in the human intestine. Some non-carbohydrates such as lignin and substances which are present in cell walls linked to polysaccharides may also be considered dietary fibers according to different regulatory authorities.

Where does dietary fiber come from? 

Dietary fibers may come from: 

  • Naturally occurring sources: “intrinsic and intact” carbohydrates and lignin
  • Isolated or synthetic carbohydrates that have physiological effects that are beneficial to human health

What are the food sources of dietary fibers? 

Both soluble and insoluble fibers are naturally occurring in food sources such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, tubers and cereals. Resistant starch can only be found in starchy foods such as cereals, tubers and green bananas. Pectins are more naturally occurring in fruits and vegetables, and β-glucans and arabinoxylans are present in cereals.1

What are the functional benefits of adding Ingredion’s dietary fiber solutions to your formulations?​

Our selection of soluble and insoluble fibers offers an array of added benefits. Differentiate your products with enhanced fiber that supports digestive health and can also reduce sugar and calories, improve texture and support sustainability goals.

Learn more about texturizers

Whether you’re formulating for a specific characteristic or simply interested in learning more about an ingredient, our Texturizer Solutions page has all the information you need.

Learn more

Let’s make your goals a reality

Collaborate with us today to tap into our deep nutrition and sensory science expertise, formulation experience, broad portfolio of in-demand ingredients, market research, consumer insights and more.


1Makki, Kassem, et al. "The impact of dietary fiber on gut microbiota in host health and disease." Cell Host & Microbe 23.6 (2018): 705-715.

*Meets FDA requirements for dietary fibers

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