NOVATION® Lumina functional native starches
High-performance, natural* texturisers for your most delicate applications
Meet consumer demand for “natural,” clean label products without compromising on flavour, colour, texture and performance. Designed specifically for light-coloured applications with delicate flavours, NOVATION® Lumina functional native starches offer all the formulation functionality of modified starches, helping you create yogurts, puddings, fillings, dressings and sauces with the sensory experience consumers expect and the labels they want.
Designed for delicate applications
NOVATION Lumina functional native starches offer outstanding flavour release and neutral colour, making them ideal texturisers for white or light-colored applications with more subtle flavours.
Performance of modified starches
Like modified starches, NOVATION Lumina functional native starches provide viscosity and gel strength to help you create creamy, smooth textures. These products also offer excellent freeze/thaw and shelf-life stability and have a high process tolerance, ideal for sauces, alternative dairy and other products that undergo harsh processing conditions.
Consumer-preferred labels
Labeled simply as “corn starch,” natural NOVATION Lumina functional native starches offer all the functionality of modified starches and enable “natural” and “no artificial ingredients” claims. They are also non-GMO and gluten-free, and do not require allergen labeling.
*Manufacturers should consult regulations specific to all target markets. Of the countries that had provisions in place to regulate the term 'natural' in May 2019, these products meet criteria of a natural food ingredient in the UK, France, Ireland, and associated EU legislation, and the global ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS 19657).
Explore our range of NOVATION Lumina functional native starches
- Highest process tolerance
- Mid to high process tolerance
- Mild to moderate process tolerance
This information is intended to support the efforts of our customers to develop and implement an appropriate labeling strategy for products containing Ingredion’s products. In all respects, the ultimate decisions on how to identify claims on food packages and label ingredients on food packages remains with our customers. Ingredion Incorporated and the Ingredion group of companies make no warranty about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained above or the suitability of any of our products for your specific intended use. We urge you to carefully review the relevant regulations and to seek appropriate legal counsel as you determine the labeling requirements applicable to your products. Label declaration recommendation: Corn Starch (Customary name* can also be corn flour in ANZ) *ANZ Food Labeling, further information upon request.

NOVATION® Lumina functional native starches
High-performance, natural texturisers for your most delicate applications. Download factsheet.

Creamy Wholesome Alfredo Sauce - Clean label, creamy texture, excellent stability
Start creating consumers' preferred clean-label food products. Download food concept.