Grate and melt

Vegan block cheese

Ingredion Ingredients Used: SIMPLISTICA® DY 7211 stabiliser system



Ingredient %
Water, Vegetable oil 70.00 - 75.00
Lyckeby CheeseApp 70 Starch 14.00 - 18.00
SIMPLISTICA® DY7211 Stabiliser System 5.00 - 8.00
Flavour, Flavour Extracts, Salt, Acid, Preservative 5.00
VITESSENCE® Pulse 3600 faba bean protein 1.00 - 2.00


  1. Add all ingredients and mix at 1000 RPM for 2 minutes.
  2. Mix at 1000 RPM and heat to 86°C and hold for approximately 1 minute.
  3. Hot fill and blast chill.
  4. Age the cheese for a week in chilled conditions.

Conditions: Direct steam injection, vacuum conditions and sharp blade

Supplier information

Givaudan Cheddar Cheese flavour 85626-71

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