CORAGUM® LB Liquid Borax - 17911900

Product Type: Corrugating solutions: Additives and resins

Defeat dust buildup with a convenient and reliable one-to-one alternative to dry borax

Tired of the dusting and caking caused by using dry borax in high shear mixers? Replace it with easy-to-use CORAGUM® LB liquid borax, available in liquid totes. Accurately add liquid borax with standard dosing pumps for the desired corrugating adhesive strength. It has the same active solids as typical 5 mol dry borax, so it can replace dry borax pound per pound.

Improve productivity and safety in many application

With convenient CORAGUM® LB liquid borax, you can:

  • Enjoy compatibility with adhesive ingredients, performance additives, waterproof resins and all grades of paper and boards 
  • Save on clean-up time and labor by avoiding buildup in the borax chute and at the mixer’s addition point
  • Improve plant safety by eliminating the lifting of heavy bags, as well as the exposure to active chemical dust produced by adding dry borax
  • Achieve formulation accuracy with controlled, precise liquid addition — no more potential plugging of chutes or restricted addition

Case study: How a customer solved caking with our pour-in solution

A customer was having significant issues with their high shear mixer. The batch size needed to feed the corrugators was leading to moisture near the borax addition chute, causing caking in the inlet and around the top of the mixer. This led to additional starch buildup between batches, as well as inconsistent borax addition. Simple adjustments to the mixer could not correct this issue, short of a complete rebuild or a larger mixer.

  • Solution: Ingredion assisted the customer with recommendations to add a liquid addition port to the mixer. CORAGUM® LB liquid borax was then provided in liquid totes as a replacement to dry borax. Significant changes to the batch formulation were not needed.
  • Results: The addition of CORAGUM® LB liquid borax provided superior control and precision, with no buildup in the mixer regardless of batch size. Customer was able to meet the adhesive demands of their corrugator, without the need for any major re-engineering work. As an added benefit, operator time on the mixer was reduced, as operators were not required to daily open and add bags of dry borax to the hopper. Operators commented that they were thankful not to be exposed to the irritating dust when opening bags. 

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CORAGUM® LB Liquid Borax - 17911900

Product Type: Modified Food Starch

Technical Documents

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Technical Specification View PDF 78 KB

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US View ENGLISH - U.S 282 KB