Fat reduction

Low-fat dressing

Ingredion Ingredients Used: ULTRA-TEX® 4 - 32166102 N-DULGE® CA1 - 10903303


Oil phase


Ingredient %
Sunflower oil 16.00
ULTRA-TEX® 4 5.10
TOTAL 21.10

Water phase


Ingredient %
Water 46.52
Vinegar, 5% acid 13.50
Sugar 8.00
Pasteurised egg yolk 5.00
N-DULGE® CA1 4.00
Salt 1.00
Mustard 0.76
Tarragon 0.06
Garlic powder 0.06
TOTAL 78.90


  1. Pre-blend the dry ingredients, except the ULTRA-TEX® 4.
  2. Mix the powder with the water in a toothed colloid mill under high shear.
  3. Mix ULTRA-TEX® 4 with half of the oil.
  4. Add the remaining oil to water phase under high shear and vacuum.
  5. Add the ULTRA-TEX® 4, mix and stir well.
  6. Add the vinegar.
  7. Put into jars under vacuum.

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